
Monday, July 5, 2010

My personal comments

Rebecca's view

As a future educator, children are our first priority in our career. Therefore, we should observe and provide the best for our children. We have to set a goal to help children develop well in every areas. However, technology nowadays had made our lives more easier. But we as an adult for the children should set limits for the children not to overdosed in this technology thinggie. Because we have to aware that technology has its benefits and disadvantages towards children.
Through this blog, i had made a lot of research through the net and learn some new information through it. It really amaze me that, just a click, we had every information that we want. Adults like us are also dependant on the technology nowadays that we probably won't realize that we are to rely on it.
Technology are important to children but we had to have a limitations on it and never let technology conquer children's mind and do not replace it from concrete materials because through my learning, children still learn best through concrete when the're young and they need space for outdoor play as well to have a healthy lifestyle.


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